Course Description:

Basic Drawing I, is a fundamental course that focuses on equipping students with the core skills

needed to excel in the world of design and sculpture. This course lays the groundwork for

developing a keen sense of two and three-dimensional form and refining visualization abilities

through hands-on drawing practices. The primary objective is to empower students to visualize their

thoughts and ideas effectively, whether for design. Through a series of structured exercises,

students will learn to translate their creative concepts into tangible forms. By practicing with

fundamental drawing techniques and tools, students will enhance their ability to perceive and

represent two and three-dimensional objects. Students can expect to explore a variety of drawing

exercises that will contribute to building their foundation in design. Basic Drawing I is the starting

point for students who aspire to harness for visual expression.

Basic Graphic Design is an introductory course that focuses on developing foundational skills in

Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. The course aims to provide students with a solid understanding of

graphic design principles and techniques using these industry-standard software tools. Through

hands-on projects and practical exercises, students will learn how to create and manipulate digital

graphics, work with basic shapes and typography, and apply visual effects.